Hemp Seed Oil Dietary Supplement
– Health Benefits
The human body uses fatty acids from food for building tissues and for specialised functions such as the production of prostaglandins: localised tissue hormones.
One major group of fatty acids is called essential fatty acids (EFA), which are polyunsaturated, and include two major groups: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
They are called essential fatty acids because the body cannot make them and thus must obtain them from food sources. Hemp seed oil is the only edible seed oil to contain over 80% polyunsaturated EFAs and boasts not only the optimum ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6, but also Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) and Stearidonic Acid (SDA). These are potent anti-inflammatory nutrients that help balance the inflammatory processes within the body.
Skin Health
Hemp Seed Oil Capsules provides EFA’s necessary for maintaining healthy and flexible skin cell membranes.
Physical Performance
Omega-3 fatty acids help support normal heart rate recovery after exercise.
Joint Health
Hemp Seed Oil Capsules have a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 oils that support joint mobility and comfort.
EFA’s support healthy immune function, and the immune defenses, help to re-establish population control over intestinal bacteria and improve cellular energy for removing waste materials.
Hormonal Balance
EFA’s help support normal hormone balance.
Cardiovascular Tonic
Studies have shown swapping saturated fatty acid with PUFAs supports the maintenance of a healthy heart.
Metabolism & Nerve Function
The omega-3 fatty acids help nerve cells communicate with each other, which supports mental health.
EFA’s have been shown to work with oxygen and aid electron transport, assist key activities in energy output within the cell as well as provide nerve cell insulation.
Always read the label and use as directed. Supplementary to a balanced diet. Midlands Nutritional Oils, Ashburton. TAPS: PP5467